Thursday, December 3, 2009

Superben Saves The Day...Night?

Struggling with writer's block, the aftereffects of a chem exam, a caffeine addiction, and other issues, I finally finished this one. It's about Superben. Because sometimes we all need a Superben.

Some bad news. ***THERE IS ALREADY A COMIC UNDER THE NAME 4AM*** The content is, uhh, questionable. Craig would laugh if he found out. For now I intend to keep the 4AM title. However, it is up to you, the readers, what I should do in the long run. There will be a discussion on the 4AM Facebook page. Please visit and leave your input.


Matt said...

I always see this, and I ask myself, who stands in the middle of the road and screams? Wouldn't you just run out of the way??? We're not deer.

Unknown said...

I have to say one of your weaker works anna

leviss said...

You drew the door on the wrong side. This isn't London.

Unknown said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh my god that made my day like you would not believe.

Anonymous said...

I loved this comic, it really did make my day. And Matt, have you MET some of the girls on Livingston? I think that speaks for itself.

R.Kudryashov said...

Empathize that its a livingston bus.
How can you have writers block when you've just started?