Saturday, April 24, 2010

Higher Education Lowers Your IQ

classtime = naptime and so it will always be! speaking of which, bedtime. goodnight!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Voting Rights

The Democratic turnout must have been pathetic for Christie to win. Although they DID get split by Daggett, who was far more competent than both Corzine and Christie. Anyway, if you're whining now, you should have voted earlier.
I voted in the state election, but this week I totally forgot to vote for the budget, nice going me.
OK good night everyone!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Women and Gaming

Being a girl gamer cuts you all kinds of breaks! BTW the way they can tell, for non gamers, is through your voice.
I was playing around with coloring, since i'm really bored of the style I do normally. This time it came out markery and dark, we'll see what I come up with next time. Stay tuned for more changes.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Make Your Own Superhero

so last night I saw Kick - Ass, and that night Quentin Tarantino was one-upped in terms of ridiculousness. While drooling about the girl character's jetpack, I started wondering what I would look like as a superhero. My main superpower is resistance to cold and control of cavalry bears and sniper cats. I also can shoot pencils from my fists and drink lots of coffee. And the bear has a jetpack for extra charging power. The jet pack runs on vodka.
As far as quality is concerned, it could have been better had I not passed out last night. And had PNG-ing not destroyed the colors.
either way, enjoy. And see Kick Ass. Just don't bring young kids to see Kick Ass. It's really fucking violent.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Slacking Off

all you calc-takers in my dorm think art class is just fun and games. in reality, art classes are 3 hours at an atrocious time slot in the middle of nowhere, and have a LOT, and i mean a fucking LOT of homework.
this took me forever to do, it's actually bright outside right now.
perfect for bedtime.
good night!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Top 3

my god, i am sick of not being big enough. in other news, i am tired, so it's shower/bedtime. until the early class tomorrow, and probably right through it.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Extreme Weather Conditions

it just doesn't get any bigger than this. i don't understand why :(
anyways, yes, i'm complaining about the weather because it's FUCKING HOT IN MY ROOM!!! lol i feel like a polar bear in the San Diego zoo - dying of heat and have a craving for sushi. mmmm...
okay, good night all!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Not Scary At All

why can't i get these images larger? i don't know. i'm working on it. :( Anyway, I apologize for being away for two installments due to distractions in a wide range of pleasantness. I will post regularly again starting right now!

In other news, I have commandeered me some MangaStudio, so after I install it, I will no longer take two hours to draw lineart of questionable quality!!! At least, so I hope. My tablet (love you, baby) is getting a bit on the senile side, maybe I'll spoil myself with a new one.

In still other news, I hope you're enjoying the hot weather as much as I am, unless you're in a dorm. In that case I send you my consolations from the fourth un-air-conditioned floor of my own dorm!

Good morning!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Mornings - I Don't Do Them

'nuff said. I really don't understand why the image is so blurry. gonna work on that. see ya!