Saturday, February 27, 2010


This is especially true of onion rings. They're like deep fried Hypnotoad, they are. It's a little upsetting that people actually declare their love for such silly things. You know what? Everyone who fanned an Onion-ring related profile, go on Facebook right now and fan 4 AM.  Show your support!!!
With horror I realized that
a) This is comic number 50
b) I have no alcohol to commemorate this occasion with. I have ice cream though. I'm gonna eat ice cream, watch a movie, and cry. Hey, I'm female last time I checked. I'm allowed.

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who's supported me through this little exercise, which I plan to continue until I die of lack of sleep. I love you all very very much. <3

Good night.

Thursday, February 25, 2010


You know what? If a container is childproof, a person wouldn't learn to open it during his or her childhood. As a result, they would not be able to open it as an adult. So there. I'm not retarded. Not at all.
There should be a class in college called Opening Childproof Containers 101.

I'm sick, so that's an excuse for the horrendous quality and inking and stuff. I actually feel a lot better and not sleepy at all since I spent all day semiconscious in unimaginable suffering. Also, I did something fun today. I had Family Guy and the Simpsons on while I was chatting on facebook and inking this comic!

***ANNOUNCEMENT***my friend Rose Flahive started a comic of her own, LOOSELEAF LOVERS, which is infinitely funnier than my shit.
Check it out everyone, it's the next big thing! It's like Shrubmonkeys mixed with Indexed!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


In an unfortunate turn of events, my tablet was temporarily captured by the enemy. But I am unstoppable! Unfortunately, I was too cheap to take advantage of a ridiculous Copic marker sale, so I used prismacolors. They don't scan too well.

I would have gone crazier with this, but i have an exam tomorrow that i am totally not ready for. still.

good night everyone!
by the way, if anyone wants the original drawing of this comic, you can have it for one simple payment of nothing whatsoever. i don't want it, so someone please take it.

see ya!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Full Circle

Of course we all grew out of Disney. Then we grew up. It's better the second time around.
In other words, college, also known as kindergarten with alcohol.
Can you believe when we were born, there was no kindom hearts or flat-panel tv's?
I grow old, I grow old...
God damn it all, my coffee has gone cold.
I think I'll drink it anyway.

Good night everyone. Don't forget you were all kids at one point.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Brainstem Break

It lives in your head. It is attached to your brain. It looks like an alien. We've been looking for them in outerspace. But they are here! BRAINSTEMS!
Sorry guys, I can't have a full comic tonight. I hope you enjoy my drawing of the aliens in our heads.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Bogged down with work? Procrastinate! That's the Krasner way!

Early post! Time for me to study. And do homework. Lots of homework. Have a great snowy night :]

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Ghost Town

Busch Campus is full of people who will observe Chinese new year this weekend. A lonely weekend it will be.

Early post yay!!!

Thursday, February 11, 2010


So the greatest snow day in years was yesterday. There was so much snow, I actually felt like it was Old Country. if only we had bears. I didn't draw snow in the comic, because I looked at the time and it was 6:30 am and i got a bit scared for my sanity.  i will have morningmares from all the stuff i could have done with the art and this one, and didn't, because it was 6:30 am...
good morning everyone!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Time Management

OK, show of hands. Who does this on a regular basis? If you are reading this, your hand should be up.
And now, since it is early tomorrow, i should go study for my quiz!


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Bah, Humbug

Yes, it's snowing. I still call bullshit on 6 inches though. Especially on more than that. This is Jersey after all. 

And now, because I am a hypocrite, I am going to go play in the snow!!!!

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Oh my god did this take forever. I'm going to sleep now, I can't even think of anything to say. Excpet, hooray i got the cast right!!!!

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Friends Don't Let Friends Suffer

This is verbatim from my awesome friend Laura Engelman. Thank you Laura, and all my other friends, for saying funny stuff on a regular basis. I don't have that many funny ideas that often. Also, I made a mistake on this comic and realized it too late. Can anyone guess what it is?
I should probably sleep more so I don't make mistakes like this.

Good night!