Thursday, December 31, 2009


It's by far my favorite holiday every year. Celebrating the end of one year and greeting the next. It's really important, people. 2009 was amazing to me, it was the best year in my life so far, so I decided to commemorate it by going all out! Strangely, it didn't take me longer than most comics take.

Also, props to my good friend and diehard fan MATT ACKERMAN for going to NYC to see the ball drop! I'm really hoping he's wearing a coat this time...Waiting to see you on TV, buddy.

I'm in a really happy holiday mood, so if you ask for a print of this one, you'll probably get one. I may take a break for the next installment as I work frantically on a project and come off  any hangovers.

2009 was great, and 2010 hopefully will be even better. I hope the same goes for you people.

So as soon as clock hits twelve tonight, grab the nearest cute person and kiss them like you'll need a room later, because it's gonna be a great year!!!


Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Exciting Computer Game

What, you really think I sleep on non-comic nights?
And don't even try to deny the fact that you play Solitaire on a regular basis. EVERYONE does this, usually with normal solitaire, I prefer the Spider variety on advanced mode for an extra challenge.

Oh, and my absolute favorite in the field of pathetic games for bored people is Minesweeper.

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, despite the simplistic nature of this comic, it took me 5 hours because i am unbelievably tired. Doing comics when you are tired is draining. Still, it doesn't suck as much as when after you post the comic you realize a paper is due the next day. That's just hellish. Don't try it at home.

And with that, I bid you all a good morning and promptly pass out on the floor as I walk to my bed.

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Productive Day

This one goes out to my wonderful, geeky, annoying twin brother who needs a shave along with a life.
You know what the scariest thing is? He saw this comic in progress and APPROVED of it. To me, that's scarier  than the fact that he actually wrote a program that comments on the weather.

Still, I love my twin brother, even though we fight all the time, often with significant injuries and collateral damage.

Hope you feel the same about your brothers and sisters, everyone!

Good night/morning!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Santa Trap


As a special gift, the first 3 people who ask will get a print of this for free. I'm going to print it at Kinkos and mail or give it to you. <3

If more than 3 people actually ask, everyone else who wants a print owes me a cup of coffee.

Have a wonderful white christmas, a magical silent (or maybe not so silent) night!

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Santa's Gift

He will definitely need it if he plans to fit into chimneys after eating all those cookies! I could use one too...

I'm back home for the holidays, and one thing that's great about being home is that I now have great lighting, so my colors will no longer be horribly off like they were in the previous comic! Hooray!

I hope everyone enjoys their break. Fear not, there will be a comic on Christmas morning along with all your presents!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Packing for Break

My wonderful, awesome roomate May Chiu didn't actually say that. I kind of put the words in her mouth using my artistic license. Sorry, May! I love you! Consider this payback for when you hid my coffee! <3

And speaking of which, May Chiu is an amazing designer. Everybody check out her shop on Etsy, on the site! It will amaze you.

OK, I'm outta here!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009


due to finals, and yes, a final on Saturday also, I must put the comic on a 2-installment break. Sorry! In that time, I will study a little, get some sleep, and take my finals.

I will miss you all! :)
And good luck on your finals, or for the youngsters, on your college admissions, or for the old people, on your jobs, or for the unemployed, on finding a job.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Watching House

Yeah, this is how we watch House. In real time.

4 AM loves House. Which is why, when Benben invited me over to watch House, and they had closed the fall season until Jan 25th without so much as a Christmas special, I was pissed off.

For a comic that began with the best of intentions, this took me a good 6 hours and came out incredibly half-assed. I think I got tired from all the time I spent not studying for finals.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Rutgers Hanukkah

No, I did not have an exam on Hanukkah Saturday. Yes, I will have one next Saturday. But this happened to Rutgers kids last year, and basically we're all getting piled with exams all week of Hanukkah this year as well. Grrr...
Personally, I am not religious and I don't celebrate Hanukkah because for one thing I'm not Jewish, but I respect any reason to slack off and party and eat latkes and jelly donuts, so I am personally offended at final exams of Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah people, especially Dana Eckstein, Yonatan Mintz, and Greg Perlman!

Friday, December 11, 2009

At the Gym

In fact, this tiny weight is made of super dense black matter! It weighs a billion times more than your giant iron weight! So there! >.>    <.<   >.>

but yeah, i'm the little girl falling over with the 12 pound weights at the gym. And it will be so for all eternity.

*ANNOUNCEMENTS* still looking for a new name. if you want to contribute, please fan the Facebook Page, 4 AM. Then put your suggestion on the wall or in a discussion. Any other concerns also contact me.

Oh and this comic was posted before 4:00 am, it's been a while since  I actually slept on comic night! OK, I'm out. Everyone go to the gym and work off those holiday dinners! It will make your next holiday dinner taste so much more delicious.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Chem Final

 So true. Oh so true. and based on a true story. Dedicated to Chirag Gandhi, the record-breaker for hours of worrying about upcoming exams. Comic 20, btw, about 5 weeks and still kicking!!!

*ANNOUNCEMENTS* There will be a name change of comic. Please submit suggestions.

For next semester, I will change the schedule for this comic, updating it twice a week. The reason is that next semester I will have to get up at 6 twice a week, which means I will get up at what is normally bedtime. For those who are bored, I may restart my old time-drain, the comic World In A Box, and update it once a week.

OK, I'm out. enjoy and good night.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Flying Cape

everything about this one is half-assed, from the inking to the background. my excuse? Benben introduced me to Gunnerkrigg Court, an amazing webcomic. So it's his fault.

So there.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Grampa Cullen

"I heard that the blood of pretty and stupid young girls does wonders for your skin!"

I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I HAVE to bash twilight. I couldn't resist. I've been holding it in for a while. I'm sorry that I bashed it at the reader's expense. I just had to. It was so fun to draw. Especially Mr. Edward was fun. I think i did a good likeness.

All right, now time for announcements.


the other 4 am comic has drawn upon me the wrath of poor users of Google....>.<

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Superben Saves The Day...Night?

Struggling with writer's block, the aftereffects of a chem exam, a caffeine addiction, and other issues, I finally finished this one. It's about Superben. Because sometimes we all need a Superben.

Some bad news. ***THERE IS ALREADY A COMIC UNDER THE NAME 4AM*** The content is, uhh, questionable. Craig would laugh if he found out. For now I intend to keep the 4AM title. However, it is up to you, the readers, what I should do in the long run. There will be a discussion on the 4AM Facebook page. Please visit and leave your input.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Mario Failure


and now for the rant.

While the comic basically speaks for itself, the situation takes some explaining. Here's the deal: i have a job at a sunday school for russian students. It's sort of like Chinese school, only russian. They have classes for math, russian (duh), chess, art, and other stuff too. lots of russian people bring their children their on the Sunday lessons. I teach math to 2nd graders and 5th graders. It's hard work, but it's fun and I love the kids.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holiday Health

Yay another comic, posted today at 2AM! YAY! PARTY!
a man of great honor and skill has been enlisted to write the site for me. in the month or so, we will see a brand-new 4 AM!

may i remind everyone that ANYONE can comment on the blog. even if you have to do so anonymously, please comment if you care!
thank you!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

The author of 4 AM would like to take this opportunity to dish out some thanks.

I am thankful we do not live in a parallel dimension where turkeys eat us for thanksgiving.
I am also thankful for my friends and my followers who are helping me kickstart this thing.
I am extremely grateful for all your comments, support, and coffee.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Existential Crisis

ask, and you shall be rained on.
comment please!
this is an early post, due to break and all kinds of shit. art pieces for thanksgiving and the post after that. promise! also if anyone can write me a website, HOLLA!


Monday, November 23, 2009

Coffee, The College Drug

this has been by far the worst comic night in a while. somehow my brain crapped out on me at about 2am. to compound the insult, the png file lost quality for some reason. and to further add to my suffering, i have not one but TWO expos papers due within the next two days. one of them is due tomorrow morning.

i hope you like the comic, but if you don't, i hope you'll understand...

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Comicking > Social Life

look! another color comic! i think i'll try to stick to color, even though it really does take a very long time.

the formatting is a bit sloppy round the edges as you can clearly tell. sorry, but it's 5:27 am and i am operating on 8 hours of sleep as a total of the past 3 days.
bedtime? hell yes!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Leonids Meteor Shower

The first-ever color comic, also the first legit post outside of Facebook.

There are issues. First, size. I'm working on it. You can click on the images on the blog, maybe that'll help.
Second, classic comic scrolling, you know, first-previous-random-next-last. I don't have that. yet. sorry. if someone can build that for me, please holla.
Third, copyrights. DON'T STEAL MY WORK. everything (c)Anna Krasner, unless otherwise noted.
And finally, comments. please comment. kthanxbai. <3

4 AM has come to town!

Hello everyone! This is 4 AM, the webcomic of random hilarious, interesting, and just plain wtf moments. It's the procrastination sensation that's sweeping the nation!

We update every two days in the wee hours of the morning. We also like to rant.

This is its home for now. Please be nice to it :)

Here are selected previous comics, the next post will be the current one.