Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Exciting Computer Game

What, you really think I sleep on non-comic nights?
And don't even try to deny the fact that you play Solitaire on a regular basis. EVERYONE does this, usually with normal solitaire, I prefer the Spider variety on advanced mode for an extra challenge.

Oh, and my absolute favorite in the field of pathetic games for bored people is Minesweeper.

Let's see, what else? Oh yeah, despite the simplistic nature of this comic, it took me 5 hours because i am unbelievably tired. Doing comics when you are tired is draining. Still, it doesn't suck as much as when after you post the comic you realize a paper is due the next day. That's just hellish. Don't try it at home.

And with that, I bid you all a good morning and promptly pass out on the floor as I walk to my bed.


leviticus said...

I can only beat the low level.

Matt said...

Agree with the above post. I play normal solitaire all the time, and I still can't win... lol

Sean said...

Freecell actually. Involves a little more strategy and thinking ahead.

Anonymous said...

There's a video on collegehumor about minesweeper. I find it hilarious.


AK said...

lol yea i saw that one. AWESOME