Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Rutgers Hanukkah

No, I did not have an exam on Hanukkah Saturday. Yes, I will have one next Saturday. But this happened to Rutgers kids last year, and basically we're all getting piled with exams all week of Hanukkah this year as well. Grrr...
Personally, I am not religious and I don't celebrate Hanukkah because for one thing I'm not Jewish, but I respect any reason to slack off and party and eat latkes and jelly donuts, so I am personally offended at final exams of Hanukkah!

Happy Hanukkah people, especially Dana Eckstein, Yonatan Mintz, and Greg Perlman!


Dana said...

Hmmmm it seems that the professors are supressing the students as badly as the Assyrians were supressing the Jews. Any chance of a Macabe uprising at Rutgers?

Happy Hannukah to you too!

Matt said...

I'm always up for a riot...