Thursday, May 13, 2010

Short People Run A High Risk of Substance Abuse

That's right. All of our favorite short people are addicts. Link is an alcoholic or a Ritalin enthusiast, depending which culture you subscribe to. Everyone knows the Mario brothers love their toadstools. Frodo is a god-knows-what, but sure acts as constipated as a heroin addict. Merry and Pippin? Total stoners. Seriously. They LOVE smoking pipeweed. I think the only clean one of that bunch is Samwise, and he has an eating disorder. Can you tell I just watched LOTR while making this comic?

Anyway, college is over for what Al Gore insists is "summer", and the lack of stress definitely shows positively on my work. Now its' sleepy time, and nobody will disturb me, cos they can't get to my bed. My room is literally impenetrable under all my stuff that I didn't have tiem to put away.

I LOVE YOU ALL! and thank you for your support. making a comic is a lot harder than it seems, so any support, or coffee, or hugs are much appreciated :)


Unknown said...

... Link isn't short.... he's supposed to be like... 6ft something. Unless we're talking toon link... now he's SHORT!

Matt said...

In some of the early Zelda games, drawings in manuals depicted him with a shorter than adult human stature.