Friday, May 28, 2010

Everyone's Saying It

It was the first thought in my head, and probably everyone else's. Poor Gary Coleman.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

It's Not What You Think

It's ok. maybe the rumors are true and the world will end in 2012 or 1 year before the graduation of myself and my fellow sophomores. Either way, enjoy your summer, those without jobs, because you'll have deja vu in four years!
And I apologize for the delay. I had a really fun day yesterday so I got kind of tired by 4 am.!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

No Can Do

As Bilbo Baggins liked to say, nastly little things, adventures are. You end up late to dinner. Well, now there are video games to effectively kill any spirit of adventure left in the human brain. Sorry, fairies and Narnia lions. Better go digital soon, or your realms are doomed.

Good night!

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Fear Machine

And  the book is most certainly going to be by Kurt Vonnegut. Because his dark comedy seems like a happy rainbowland compared to what's going on outside. Seriously, 500 channels and nothing on but bad news. Jesus H. Christ. Yeah...
But let's not forget that there's a lot of good in the world still! For example, that television could be attached to a console to play fun video games! And there are plenty of good books to read (does anyone still remember what a book is?). And also going outside and hanging out with your friends. If everyone could just chill the eff out and enjoy the good things, and help others to do so, the world would be a much better place.

Ok peoples i'm out! Leave a comment pretty please!

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Facebook: the reason the patriot act is no longer relevant

Yeah, Facebook isn't actually private. What else is new. Actually, looking at people's stupid status updates on Openbook is quite fun. everyone should try it! ^_^

OK, good night!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

House Riffs

In commemoration of another glorious House season finale. I won't be a spoiler to those who wait till next week, but Huddy supporters will be extra happy. Gotta love House! BTW ben if you want the episode tomorrow i can send it to you :)

Anyways everyone good night! My brother's using me for his lab experiments tomorrow, sounds like it's gonna be a lot of fun! :D

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Nature Has A Great Sense of Irony

Oh, the molten irony. I prefer to think that the world IS going to end in 2012, because it will be a pleasant surprise when it doesn't. And then we can have a big and probably fatal we survived party!

To use my favorite phrase, Kurt Vonnegut wrote a good story about this. (Rest in peace sir, you're the man) If you like Kurt Vonnegut, holler! I think I should start a Kurt Vonnegut appreciation club.

Anyway summer vacation is upon us, us meaning the college world, sorry high schoolers, and I feel great! Still can't believe the year is over, but it sure is nice to do whatever I want all day long. Already missing my friends though.

OK, i'm out. Good night all!

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Short People Run A High Risk of Substance Abuse

That's right. All of our favorite short people are addicts. Link is an alcoholic or a Ritalin enthusiast, depending which culture you subscribe to. Everyone knows the Mario brothers love their toadstools. Frodo is a god-knows-what, but sure acts as constipated as a heroin addict. Merry and Pippin? Total stoners. Seriously. They LOVE smoking pipeweed. I think the only clean one of that bunch is Samwise, and he has an eating disorder. Can you tell I just watched LOTR while making this comic?

Anyway, college is over for what Al Gore insists is "summer", and the lack of stress definitely shows positively on my work. Now its' sleepy time, and nobody will disturb me, cos they can't get to my bed. My room is literally impenetrable under all my stuff that I didn't have tiem to put away.

I LOVE YOU ALL! and thank you for your support. making a comic is a lot harder than it seems, so any support, or coffee, or hugs are much appreciated :)

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Size Matters And Don't Believe Anyone Who Tells You Otherwise

So Stephen Hawking contends that if aliens do exist, we don't want them here because they will enslave us with their superior technology. Of course, as everyone less nerdy than he knows, there is always the issue of size. It's hard to be an alien conqueror if your intelligent conqueree would just step on you. Although, sometimes I doubt the intelligence of human beings. Case in point, the strato pen. As the Russians bewilderedly pointed out to the Americans, who invented this pen that works in zero G, "pencil."

Thursday, May 6, 2010

F.I.N.A.L.S - you know what it means

grr, blurriness go away! on a lighter note, happy finals everyone and good luck!!! see ya later, it's sleepy time for me. good night!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Integalactic and Intertemporal Star Wars Day

Star Wars is great and all, but Star Trek is truly the best. I know the jedis of the world are gonna kill me for this, but suck it up dudes, Star Trek is more awesome. Especially with the new movie. I don't see any new Star Wars movies in the making!
If I keep posting at 6 AM i might have to rename my ok good night / morning everyone!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Crazy Night

I regret nothing! Staying up comicking is soooo much better than getting drunk off your ass! Really! It even destroys your brain cells just as much, without all that mucking about with bad weather and cops and disgustingly sad booze. You know what would be ideal though? Drawing a comic while sipping a black russian (kahlua + vodka). I should actually try that someday.

Anyways, good night, I've got a lot of work to do today and even some sleeping to catch up on!